The debilitating impact of uncertainty
January 3, 2017
Gail Bower in Foresight & Futures, uncertaintyNobody can tell you what the future holds. However

Nobody can tell you what the future holds. However, there is a way to shine light into the darkness and extrapolate what we can see there so that you have ideas about the road ahead.

What’s the real value of this process? To identify uncertainties that lie in the shadows, the uncertainties that can cause low levels of anxiety — and often just plain ignorance — just below the surface.

Living with this uncertainty, unaware of what the possibilities might be, can have significant impact. If the unexpected — something not even on your radar — were to occur, the likely effects include:

If you’re concerned or in the dark about what’s ahead, learning how to peer into the future to better prepare strategically should be a top issue in 2017.


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