Of course, around 2:30 p.m. when I exited the building where I was speaking, it was not only indeed 71 degrees, it was also glorious. My light coat, scarf, and gloves were unnecessary and even a little ridiculous.
I realized I loaded up on gear because that’s what we do here in February, even though this made no sense given the unseasonal weather. My brain went on autopilot.
Here’s my question to you. What is your organization continuing to do even though it makes no sense?
What procedures, programs or services, and mindsets are your team holding on to, locked into, that are outdated, outmoded, and unnecessary?
What are you doing to ferret out these obsolete ways of doing business and unlock more productive ways of operating?
If you need a fresh look at your business, let’s talk. I’ll be the one in the appropriate outerwear!