Whether your business or nonprofit is crushing it or confused, four practices that are in your control can get you on a path to revenue growth.
Good leaders are paying attention to multiple stimuli and signals that indicate that change or improvement is necessary. The best leaders not only pay attention but they also anticipate change. Their ability to synthesize vast and disparate pieces of information from different time horizons allows them to see what’s coming and create a vision. For them, the sky’s the limit.
To get started, you need to have one antenna tuned into the external landscape and one on the internal. What changes might have an impact for your organization?
Action: OK. Let’s get real with each other. Is there any place in your organization where you may have blinders on? Could you be in denial about something that really needs to be addressed but you’re not sure what to do?
It’s OK. Just bring awareness to it.
Organizations that grow are clear about what needs to happen next. They tackle the myriad decisions to be made along the way, and they move. Or they get the support they need to get clear so they can move in the best direction.
Organizations of all types and sizes that struggle may make excuses. Or they may be afraid. Or an ego might be in the way. Or communications may be jammed up. It happens.
The best business leaders get good advice and decide. Period.
Sometimes nonprofit organizations have a habit of deferring to their boards. And sometimes these boards have no basis for making decisions. Or they are risk averse. Or don’t have the full story. Or have no clear leadership. Or they make bad decisions. Or, worst case, they default to the status quo.
Nonprofits all over the country are facing decisions about the best ways to diversify their revenue. The best ones will seize the moment, get creative, and make plans.
Action: Where do you need to make a decision? Where are you lacking clarity? Where are you stalling? Can you simply acknowledge what part of your organization requires new thinking or that you make a decision?
The best leaders recognize challenges in their operations or opportunities to expand and once they are clear on what to do next, they take action. They know how to bring forth the vision and move forward to make change, one step at a time, no matter how arduous at times.
One of my clients took the helm of an organization whose previous CEO had overcommitted and underestimated significant change in the landscape. Consequently the organization just kept doing what it always had. Until my client stepped in.
She had a long, draining slog ahead to clear the old — mindsets, practices, and even obliviousness — and bring in new life. While her organization continues to face significant headwinds, they are now pulling together. She is surrounded by an enterprising team who believe in her vision.
Action: Where might your organization have become complacent? Or stalled? What one action could you take? Today.
Making a decision and taking an action are insufficient alone. Your radar must constantly be tuned. You have to light fire (not literally, please!) to your initiative so you gain momentum.
Refine the strategy. Build out the initiative. Encourage your staff. Feed them with new information, new intel, and feedback from customers.
Action: Have you recently launched an initiative? How’s it going? Do you see signs where it might stall? Do you see amazing potential in a related opportunity? Fan the flames. Don’t stop.
Some of these steps may feel uncomfortable. They may require you to tap into a new set of skills or a level of leadership you haven’t exercised lately. Or ever.
Relish it. While you’re growing your organization, you grow as a leader.
And, I got your back. Check out my post What Happens When You Get Into The Discomfort Zone.
If you need a trusted advisor by your side, I’m here. I encourage you to schedule a call to learn more about how I support organizations and leaders, just like you.