Stop worrying about the new tax law
If your individual giving dynamic is solely based on donors receiving a tax deduction, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about.
Gail BowerThis blog will help you and your organization flourish.
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If your individual giving dynamic is solely based on donors receiving a tax deduction, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about.
Too many nonprofit organizations—large and small—operate on razor thin margins and lack an adequate safety net. If that describes your organization’s fiscal health, follow the lead of my best clients by setting an intention and creating a strategy in 2018 to turn things around. And keep it there. Read more to find out the 3 aspects of sustainability you must constantly balance.
Find out the four areas of your nonprofit organization to focus on to prepare for your next CEO and leave your legacy.
If you're considering a new position as a nonprofit executive director or CEO, you'll want to take off the rose-colored glasses before accepting that job and pay attention to six key areas. Formulate a good set of questions to ask the board and interim executive director so you accept a great new position where you're able to bring forth your own vision to take the organization to another level.
We’re heading into yet another contentious budgeting season, and if your nonprofit organization is likely to be affected by federal, state, or local government budget cuts, however drastic, you have three choices. Read on to find out what they are and how you want to respond.