Are you on a mission?
Whether your organization is a nonprofit or a mission-driven small, mid-size, or larger company, not really being on a mission is riskier than you might think.
Gail BowerThis blog will help you and your organization flourish.
Find provocative ideas, strategies, and best practices to increase your organization's visilibity, revenue, and impact.
Your comments, questions, and topic suggestions are welcome.
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Whether your organization is a nonprofit or a mission-driven small, mid-size, or larger company, not really being on a mission is riskier than you might think.
A year ago, my friend and colleague, Valerie Jones, published "Nonprofit Hero, Five Easy Steps to Successful Board Fundraising." She’s on a mission to tackle one of the most frequent issues with which I hear my nonprofit clients struggle: how do we get the board engaged with fundraising? Val has great ideas around this topic, and in this interview, you'll learn more about her approach.
I wanted to understand what constituted high performance and set about researching the components that matter. Ultimately, I identified eight key drivers of success.
I’ve noticed a troubling trend. When it comes to marketing, too many nonprofit organizations of all different sizes are winging it. Find out what you can do about it and what the advantages are.
Now more than ever, no matter what your role is in an organization, prioritizing time to reflect, evaluate, recalibrate, and even let go of activities and priorities is essential. The pace of life, along with the sheer quantity of tasks and information, has the great potential to keep us distracted. Here's checklist to help you launch the new year with strength and calm.