Gail Bower's Blog

Gail BowerThis blog will help you and your organization flourish.

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Entries in Strategy (61)


Collaboration Part 3: Collaboration Challenges and What to Do About Them

Two-thirds of nonprofit organizations collaborate with others for a wide range of reasons, so obviously something’s working well with the concept. But what about when they don’t work well? Find out what goes wrong and what to do about it.

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Happy New (Fiscal) Year! Start with Strength

Now more than ever, no matter what your role is in an organization, prioritizing time to reflect, evaluate, recalibrate, and even let go of activities and priorities is essential. The pace of life, along with the sheer quantity of tasks and information, has the great potential to keep us distracted. Here's checklist to help you launch the new year with strength and calm.

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Insider info for executive directors: Growing audiences who love and support your mission

Marketing needs to be an ongoing, strategy-fueled activity in your organization, and too few organizations are investing in effective approaches. How do you know if your approach is effective? And what can you do to improve?

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Why you should create some fake news 

Today was one of the first mornings in a long time that I read the news and smiled. I actually couldn’t wait until my partner woke up so I could share this fleeting moment of amusement with him. Amid the daily pummel of catastrophes was an article about real fake news.

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The magic of commitment: keep yourself moving forward

The year is coming to a close, and if you need some last minute encouragement, to propel your commitment to a new venture or building revenue for a current one, read on.

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