Gail Bower's Blog

Gail BowerThis blog will help you and your organization flourish.

Find provocative ideas, strategies, and best practices to increase your organization's visilibity, revenue, and impact.

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Q&A with Dr. Patton McDowell: New Book on Nonprofit Leadership

Meet Dr. Patton McDowell and his new book on nonprofit leadership: "There is great need for skilled leadership in our increasingly complex (and quickly expanding) sector. I’m determined to provide a practical guide that helps anyone in— or pondering—nonprofit leadership to define their goals and give them a clear path to achieve them."

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Business development: Do you know where you're going?

While you cannot script your way through a business development conversation, you have to know where you're going and generally what to say. Learn from this example of how things can go wrong and learn what to do next.

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In business development, it's all about the timing.

One blind spot that can really trip us up when we’re in business development is confusion about where we are in a conversation and where we’re trying to go.It's all about the timing.

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What are you willing to risk for your big vision?

In the film "All In," we see how Dr. Martin Luther King took significant risk to move a mountain. What are you willing to risk?

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What's your risk approach?

This post will challenge you to think about your decision-making about risk and two factors you'll want to consider.

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